Product Features

AI Support

Spend less time on frequent customer questions with our AI-powered texting solution.

24/7 Availability 

Get an inbound lead response rate of 100%, no matter when your customers reach out.

Unified Dashboard

Get all your messages in one place - including texting, Google My Business & Facebook.

Flat Monthly Rate

Only pay for what you use. Busy month? Pay more. Quiet month? Pay less. It's simple.

Feature Highlights

Get More Value From Every Call

Capture lead data and a text messaging opt-in from your missed, abandoned and after-hours calls. All the time.

Convert Calls to Text Conversations

Automatically engage voice callers in text conversations that can be shared with your team 24/7.

Build a Contact List on Autopilot

Turn every call, text or website visit into an opted-in contact you can re-market and sell to in the future.

Setup in Seconds with Call-Tracking

Connect to CallRail or CallTrackingMetrics to add our functionality to existing tracking numbers—no need to change numbers.

Respond Faster with Templates

Use templates to craft reusable messages that are consistent, personalized (with dynamic placeholders), and effective.

Do More With Automations

Use built-in or customized conversation logic to qualify inbound leads via text, collect surveys via text and request referrals via text.

Book Appointments with Auto-Reminders

Scheduling an appointment automatically sends your contact a calendar invite and automatic reminders, eliminating no-shows.

Make Calls From the Dashboard

Users of your inbox can call contacts through your number—no more giving out personal phone numbers.

Easy TCPA compliance

Set opt-in rules to be as strict as you want. You'll see clear indicators of every contact's opt-in status with options to manage.

Book a Demo

Give us 15 minutes and we'll save you time. Fill out the form or click the icon at the bottom right corner to see the product in action.

"AutoSMS has significantly decreased our incoming calls for basic questions so our staff has more time to serve our customers! The team is always available to help and responds promptly whenever we need assistance. I highly recommend them."

Marketing Coordinator @ Sky Zone Kitchener


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